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Collapse in Christianity in Britain blamed on mothers by former bishop

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The Telegraph

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  • News

Collapse in Christianity in Britain blamed on mothers by former bishop

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Mothers have been blamed for the collapse in churchgoing in Britain by a former Church of England bishop.

Michael Nazir-Ali, the Bishop of Rochester from 1994 to 2009, told the Ukip conference of his sadness that "holy days have become holidays".

He told around 200 activists that this was in part because mothers stopped passing on their faith to their children at home.

Mr Nazir-Ali told the activists: "There was a sudden death for Christian discourse in public life in this country around the 1960s."

He said that "there are many reasons for this - the students were revolting". 

But he added:"The Christian faith stopped being of importance in this country when the women stopped passing it on in the home.

"It was not the church, it was not the school, it was the mothers who passed the faith on. Lets pray that it will be so again.

"I am not asking for a return to the past but i know that men and women have responsibilities to which we must respond."

To applause from the activists Mr Nazir-Ali urged Ukip to adopt pro-family policies, saying "the family is the foundation of society" and urged Ukip to be "for the family, that you will promote policies for the wellbeing of the family and the nurture of children in the family".

A survey earlier this month found Britain is becoming an increasingly Godless society, with more than half of the population now describing themselves as having “no religion”.

The proportion of non-believers was at a record high of 53 per cent, according to the latest data from the National Centre for Social Research.

The 2016 research found 15 per cent of people belonged to the Church of England, 9 per cent to the Catholic Church, 17 per cent to other Christian denominations, and 6 per cent to other religions.



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