
Showing posts from November 18, 2018

Updating “field by field”: copying data from one table to another

up vote 1 down vote favorite I have two tables, which are basically the same except the name: one for actual data second one for backup. And what I want to do is to update fields in first one using the content from the other one - checking field by field based on ID. Let's say it should looks like this: Get the first row. FIRST_TABLE(ID_FT, NAME_FT) and SECOND_TABLE(ID_ST, NAME_ST), If ID_FT == ID_ST then NAME_FT = NAME_ST, Get the next row, Go to point 3 and loop until end of the FIRST_TABLE. What queries should I use? How iterating through the table in ORACLE/SQL looks like? sql oracle share | improve this question asked Nov 10 at 17:50 ...


Plaçage was a recognized extralegal system in French and Spanish slave colonies of North America (including the Caribbean) by which ethnic European men entered into civil unions with non-Europeans of African, Native American and mixed-race descent. The term comes from the French placer meaning "to place with". The women were not legally recognized as wives but were known as placées ; their relationships were recognized among the free people of color as mariages de la main gauche or left-handed marriages. They became institutionalized with contracts or negotiations that settled property on the woman and her children, and in some cases gave them freedom if enslaved. The system flourished throughout the French and Spanish colonial periods, reaching its zenith during the latter, between 1769 and 1803. It was widely practiced in New Orleans, where planter society had created enough wealth to support the system. It also took place in the Latin-influenced cities of Natchez a...