Conda takes 20+ minutes to solve environment when package is already installed

Multi tool use
Multi tool use

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down vote


I'm duplicating this post because the question has been up on the conda github page for ~6-days with no response. The original link is here:

Current Behavior

When I type try to run conda update -n base conda, conda hung for around 20-minutes on 'Solving environment' and then returned a package plan that did not include an updated version of conda. The package plan that was returned is provided below.

The package plan that was returned is as follows:

environment location: C:UsersjmattAnaconda3
added / updated specs:
- conda

The following packages will be downloaded:

package | build
libarchive-3.3.2 | h1d0d21d_1 4.0 MB
lz4-c-1.8.2 | vc14_0 254 KB conda-forge
libcurl-7.61.1 | h7602738_0 249 KB
Total: 4.5 MB

The following packages will be UPDATED:

jpeg: 9b-hb83a4c4_2 --> 9b-vc14_2 conda-forge [vc14]
libcurl: 7.61.1-h2a8f88b_0 --> 7.61.1-h7602738_0
libsodium: 1.0.16-h9d3ae62_0 --> 1.0.16-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
libxslt: 1.1.32-hf6f1972_0 --> 1.1.32-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
lz4-c: --> 1.8.2-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
tk: 8.6.8-hfa6e2cd_0 --> 8.6.8-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
zeromq: 4.2.5-he025d50_1 --> 4.2.5-vc14_2 conda-forge [vc14]

The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

astropy: 3.0.5-py36he774522_0 --> 3.0.4-py36hfa6e2cd_0
bzip2: 1.0.6-hfa6e2cd_5 --> 1.0.6-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
curl: 7.61.1-h2a8f88b_0 --> 7.60.0-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
cython: 0.29-py36ha925a31_0 --> 0.28.5-py36h6538335_0
freetype: 2.9.1-ha9979f8_1 --> 2.8.1-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
gevent: 1.3.7-py36he774522_1 --> 1.3.6-py36hfa6e2cd_0
hdf5: 1.10.2-hac2f561_1 --> 1.10.2-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
icu: 58.2-ha66f8fd_1 --> 58.2-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
krb5: 1.16.1-h038dc86_6 --> 1.14.6-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
libarchive: 3.3.3-h798a506_0 --> 3.3.2-h1d0d21d_1
libiconv: 1.15-h1df5818_7 --> 1.14-vc14_4 conda-forge [vc14]
libpng: 1.6.35-h2a8f88b_0 --> 1.6.34-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
libtiff: 4.0.9-h36446d0_2 --> 4.0.9-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
libxml2: 2.9.8-hadb2253_1 --> 2.9.5-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
llvmlite: 0.25.0-py36_0 --> 0.24.0-py36h6538335_0
lxml: 4.2.5-py36hef2cd61_0 --> 4.1.1-py36he0adb16_0
lzo: 2.10-h6df0209_2 --> 2.10-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
matplotlib: 3.0.0-py36hd159220_0 --> 2.2.2-py36h153e9ff_0
mistune: 0.8.4-py36he774522_0 --> 0.8.3-py36hfa6e2cd_1
numba: 0.40.0-py36hf9181ef_0 --> 0.39.0-py36h830ac7b_0
pillow: 5.3.0-py36hdc69c19_0 --> 5.1.0-py36h0738816_0
pyqt: 5.9.2-py36h6538335_2 --> 5.6.0-py36_2
pywavelets: 1.0.1-py36h8c2d366_0 --> 1.0.0-py36h452e1ab_0
qt: 5.9.6-vc14h1e9a669_2 --> 5.6.2-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
snappy: 1.1.7-h777316e_3 --> 1.1.7-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
sqlalchemy: 1.2.12-py36he774522_0 --> 1.2.11-py36hfa6e2cd_0
sqlite: 3.25.2-hfa6e2cd_0 --> 3.22.0-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
twisted: 18.9.0-py36he774522_0 --> 18.7.0-py36hfa6e2cd_1
vc: 14.1-h0510ff6_4 --> 14-h0510ff6_3
yaml: 0.1.7-hc54c509_2 --> 0.1.7-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
zlib: 1.2.11-h8395fce_2 --> 1.2.11-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]

Proceed ([y]/n)? n

NOTE: the conda version I have installed is 4.5.11 - I'm not sure if this is the most recent version and haven't been able to find a command or resource (other than conda update conda) to check what the most recent version is. I also had a similar problem when trying to conda install websocket-client when websocket client was already installed - I wonder if the current version of conda has trouble when the most recent version of a package is already installed.

NOTE 2: conda update --all solved the environment in a reasonable amount of time (~1 min - I didn't time it precisely).

Steps to Reproduce

conda update -n base conda

As I mentioned above, conda install websocket-client also hung at 'Solving environment' - I already had websocket-client version 0.53.0 installed when I tried to run the install command

Expected Behavior

Conda should either:
1. If the most recent version is installed, conda should promptly inform the user that an update isn't needed.
1. If a newer version is available, I'd expect Conda to solve the environment in a shorter period of time. I think that less than 1-2 minutes would be reasonable - 20+ minutes is too long

Environment Information

The output of: conda info

active environment : base
active env location : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3
shell level : 1
user config file : C:Usersjmatt.condarc
populated config files : C:Usersjmatt.condarc
conda version : 4.5.11
conda-build version : 3.16.1
python version :
base environment : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3 (writable)
channel URLs :
package cache : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3pkgs
envs directories : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3envs
platform : win-64
user-agent : conda/4.5.11 requests/2.19.1 CPython/3.6.6 Windows/10 Windows/10.0.17134
administrator : False
netrc file : None
offline mode : False

The output of: conda config --show-sources

ssl_verify: True
- defaults
- conda-forge

The output of: conda list --show-channel-urls

(base) C:Usersjmatt>conda list --show-channel-urls
packages in environment at C:UsersjmattAnaconda3:
Name Version Build Channel
_ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf 0.1.0 py36_0 defaults
alabaster 0.7.12 py36_0 defaults
anaconda custom py36h363777c_0 defaults
anaconda-client 1.7.2 py36_0 defaults
anaconda-navigator 1.9.2 py36_0 defaults
anaconda-project 0.8.2 py36_0 defaults
appdirs 1.4.3 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
asn1crypto 0.24.0 py36_0 defaults
astroid 2.0.4 py36_0 defaults
astropy 3.0.5 py36he774522_0 defaults
atomicwrites 1.2.1 py36_0 defaults
attrs 18.2.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
automat 0.7.0 py36_0 defaults
babel 2.6.0 py36_0 defaults
backcall 0.1.0 py36_0 defaults
backports 1.0 py36_1 defaults
backports.os 0.1.1 py36_0 defaults
backports.shutil_get_terminal_size 1.0.0 py36_2 defaults
beautifulsoup4 4.6.3 py36_0 defaults
bitarray 0.8.3 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
bkcharts 0.2 py36h7e685f7_0 defaults
blas 1.0 mkl defaults
blaze 0.11.3 py36_0 defaults
bleach 3.0.2 py36_0 defaults
blosc 1.14.4 he51fdeb_0 defaults
bokeh 0.13.0 py36_0 defaults
boto 2.49.0 py36_0 defaults
bottleneck 1.2.1 py36h452e1ab_1 defaults
bzip2 1.0.6 hfa6e2cd_5 defaults
ca-certificates 2018.03.07 0 defaults
certifi 2018.10.15 py36_0 defaults
cffi 1.11.5 py36h74b6da3_1 defaults
chardet 3.0.4 py36_1 defaults
click 7.0 py36_0 defaults
cloudpickle 0.6.1 py36_0 defaults
clyent 1.2.2 py36_1 defaults
colorama 0.4.0 py36_0 defaults
comtypes 1.1.7 py36_0 defaults
conda 4.5.11 py36_0 defaults
conda-build 3.16.1 py36_0 defaults
conda-env 2.6.0 1 defaults
conda-verify 3.1.1 py36_0 defaults
console_shortcut 0.1.1 3 defaults
constantly 15.1.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
contextlib2 0.5.5 py36he5d52c0_0 defaults
cryptography 2.3.1 py36h74b6da3_0 defaults
curl 7.61.1 h2a8f88b_0 defaults
cycler 0.10.0 py36h009560c_0 defaults
cython 0.29 py36ha925a31_0 defaults
cytoolz py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults
dask 0.19.4 py36_0 defaults
dask-core 0.19.4 py36_0 defaults
datashape 0.5.4 py36_1 defaults
decorator 4.3.0 py36_0 defaults
defusedxml 0.5.0 py36_1 defaults
distributed 1.23.3 py36_0 defaults
docutils 0.14 py36h6012d8f_0 defaults
entrypoints 0.2.3 py36_2 defaults
et_xmlfile 1.0.1 py36h3d2d736_0 defaults
fastcache 1.0.2 py36hfa6e2cd_2 defaults
filelock 3.0.9 py36_0 defaults
flask 1.0.2 py36_1 defaults
flask-cors 3.0.6 py36_0 defaults
freetype 2.9.1 ha9979f8_1 defaults
future 0.16.0 py36_2 defaults
geographiclib 1.49 py_0 conda-forge
geopy 1.17.0 py_0 conda-forge
get_terminal_size 1.0.0 h38e98db_0 defaults
gevent 1.3.7 py36he774522_1 defaults
glob2 0.6 py36_1 defaults
greenlet 0.4.15 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
h5py 2.8.0 py36h3bdd7fb_2 defaults
hdf5 1.10.2 hac2f561_1 defaults
heapdict 1.0.0 py36_2 defaults
html5lib 1.0.1 py36_0 defaults
hyperlink 18.0.0 py36_0 defaults
icc_rt 2017.0.4 h97af966_0 defaults
icu 58.2 ha66f8fd_1 defaults
idna 2.7 py36_0 defaults
imageio 2.4.1 py36_0 defaults
imagesize 1.1.0 py36_0 defaults
importlib_metadata 0.6 py36_0 defaults
incremental 17.5.0 py36_0 defaults
intel-openmp 2019.0 118 defaults
ipykernel 5.1.0 py36h39e3cac_0 defaults
ipython 7.0.1 py36h39e3cac_0 defaults
ipython_genutils 0.2.0 py36h3c5d0ee_0 defaults
ipywidgets 7.4.2 py36_0 defaults
isort 4.3.4 py36_0 defaults
itsdangerous 1.0.0 py36_0 defaults
jdcal 1.4 py36_0 defaults
jedi 0.13.1 py36_0 defaults
jinja2 2.10 py36_0 defaults
jpeg 9b hb83a4c4_2 defaults
jsonschema 2.6.0 py36h7636477_0 defaults
jupyter 1.0.0 py36_7 defaults
jupyter_client 5.2.3 py36_0 defaults
jupyter_console 6.0.0 py36_0 defaults
jupyter_core 4.4.0 py36_0 defaults
jupyterlab 0.35.2 py36_0 defaults
jupyterlab_launcher 0.13.1 py36_0 defaults
jupyterlab_server 0.2.0 py36_0 defaults
keyring 15.1.0 py36_0 defaults
kiwisolver 1.0.1 py36h6538335_0 defaults
krb5 1.16.1 h038dc86_6 defaults
lazy-object-proxy 1.3.1 py36hfa6e2cd_2 defaults
libarchive 3.3.3 h798a506_0 defaults
libcurl 7.61.1 h2a8f88b_0 defaults
libiconv 1.15 h1df5818_7 defaults
libpng 1.6.35 h2a8f88b_0 defaults
libsodium 1.0.16 h9d3ae62_0 defaults
libssh2 1.8.0 hd619d38_4 defaults
libtiff 4.0.9 h36446d0_2 defaults
libxml2 2.9.8 hadb2253_1 defaults
libxslt 1.1.32 hf6f1972_0 defaults
llvmlite 0.25.0 py36_0 defaults
locket 0.2.0 py36hfed976d_1 defaults
lxml 4.2.5 py36hef2cd61_0 defaults
lz4-c h2fa13f4_0 defaults
lzo 2.10 h6df0209_2 defaults
m2w64-gcc-libgfortran 5.3.0 6 defaults
m2w64-gcc-libs 5.3.0 7 defaults
m2w64-gcc-libs-core 5.3.0 7 defaults
m2w64-gmp 6.1.0 2 defaults
m2w64-libwinpthread-git 2 defaults
markupsafe 1.0 py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults
matplotlib 3.0.0 py36hd159220_0 defaults
mccabe 0.6.1 py36_1 defaults
menuinst 1.4.14 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
mistune 0.8.4 py36he774522_0 defaults
mkl 2019.0 118 defaults
mkl-service 1.1.2 py36hb217b18_5 defaults
mkl_fft 1.0.6 py36hdbbee80_0 defaults
mkl_random 1.0.1 py36h77b88f5_1 defaults
more-itertools 4.3.0 py36_0 defaults
mpmath 1.0.0 py36_2 defaults
msgpack-python 0.5.6 py36he980bc4_1 defaults
msys2-conda-epoch 20160418 1 defaults
multipledispatch 0.6.0 py36_0 defaults
navigator-updater 0.2.1 py36_0 defaults
nbconvert 5.3.1 py36_0 defaults
nbformat 4.4.0 py36h3a5bc1b_0 defaults
networkx 2.2 py36_1 defaults
nltk 3.3.0 py36_0 defaults
nose 1.3.7 py36_2 defaults
notebook 5.7.0 py36_0 defaults
numba 0.40.0 py36hf9181ef_0 defaults
numexpr 2.6.8 py36h9ef55f4_0 defaults
numpy 1.15.3 py36ha559c80_0 defaults
numpy-base 1.15.3 py36h8128ebf_0 defaults
numpydoc 0.8.0 py36_0 defaults
odo 0.5.1 py36h7560279_0 defaults
olefile 0.46 py36_0 defaults
openpyxl 2.5.9 py36_0 defaults
openssl 1.0.2p hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
packaging 18.0 py36_0 defaults
pandas 0.23.4 py36h830ac7b_0 defaults
pandoc 0 defaults
pandocfilters 1.4.2 py36_1 defaults
parso 0.3.1 py36_0 defaults
partd 0.3.9 py36_0 defaults 11.5.0 py36_0 defaults
pathlib2 2.3.2 py36_0 defaults
patsy 0.5.0 py36_0 defaults
pep8 1.7.1 py36_0 defaults
pickleshare 0.7.5 py36_0 defaults
pillow 5.3.0 py36hdc69c19_0 defaults
pip 10.0.1 py36_0 defaults
pkginfo 1.4.2 py36_1 defaults
pluggy 0.8.0 py36_0 defaults
ply 3.11 py36_0 defaults
prometheus_client 0.4.2 py36_0 defaults
prompt_toolkit 2.0.6 py36_0 defaults
psutil 5.4.7 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
py 1.7.0 py36_0 defaults
pyasn1 0.4.4 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
pyasn1-modules 0.2.2 py36_0 defaults
pycodestyle 2.4.0 py36_0 defaults
pycosat 0.6.3 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
pycparser 2.19 py36_0 defaults
pycrypto 2.6.1 py36hfa6e2cd_9 defaults
pycurl py36h74b6da3_0 defaults
pyflakes 2.0.0 py36_0 defaults
pygments 2.2.0 py36hb010967_0 defaults
pyhamcrest 1.9.0 py36_2 defaults
pylint 2.1.1 py36_0 defaults
pyodbc 4.0.24 py36h6538335_0 defaults
pyopenssl 18.0.0 py36_0 defaults
pyparsing 2.2.2 py36_0 defaults
pyqt 5.9.2 py36h6538335_2 defaults
pysocks 1.6.8 py36_0 defaults
pytables 3.4.4 py36he6f6034_0 defaults
pytest 3.9.1 py36_0 defaults
pytest-arraydiff 0.2 py36h39e3cac_0 defaults
pytest-astropy 0.4.0 py36_0 defaults
pytest-doctestplus 0.1.3 py36_0 defaults
pytest-openfiles 0.3.0 py36_0 defaults
pytest-remotedata 0.3.0 py36_0 defaults
python 3.6.6 hea74fb7_0 defaults
python-dateutil 2.7.3 py36_0 defaults
python-libarchive-c 2.8 py36_6 defaults
pytz 2018.5 py36_0 defaults
pywavelets 1.0.1 py36h8c2d366_0 defaults
pywin32 223 py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults
pywinpty 0.5.4 py36_0 defaults
pyyaml 3.13 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
pyzmq 17.1.2 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
qt 5.9.6 vc14h1e9a669_2 defaults
qtawesome 0.5.1 py36_1 defaults
qtconsole 4.4.2 py36_0 defaults
qtpy 1.5.2 py36_0 defaults
requests 2.19.1 py36_0 defaults
rope 0.11.0 py36_0 defaults
ruamel_yaml 0.15.46 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
scikit-image 0.14.0 py36h6538335_1 defaults
scikit-learn 0.20.0 py36heebcf9a_1 defaults
scipy 1.1.0 py36h4f6bf74_1 defaults
seaborn 0.9.0 py36_0 defaults
send2trash 1.5.0 py36_0 defaults
service_identity 17.0.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
setuptools 40.4.3 py36_0 defaults
simplegeneric 0.8.1 py36_2 defaults
singledispatch py36h17d0c80_0 defaults
sip 4.19.8 py36h6538335_0 defaults
six 1.11.0 py36_1 defaults
snappy 1.1.7 h777316e_3 defaults
snowballstemmer 1.2.1 py36h763602f_0 defaults
sortedcollections 1.0.1 py36_0 defaults
sortedcontainers 2.0.5 py36_0 defaults
sphinx 1.8.1 py36_0 defaults
sphinxcontrib 1.0 py36_1 defaults
sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.1.0 py36_1 defaults
spyder 3.3.1 py36_1 defaults
spyder-kernels 0.2.6 py36_0 defaults
sqlalchemy 1.2.12 py36he774522_0 defaults
sqlite 3.25.2 hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
statsmodels 0.9.0 py36h452e1ab_0 defaults
sympy 1.3 py36_0 defaults
tblib 1.3.2 py36h30f5020_0 defaults
terminado 0.8.1 py36_1 defaults
testpath 0.4.2 py36_0 defaults
tk 8.6.8 hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
toolz 0.9.0 py36_0 defaults
tornado 5.1.1 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
tqdm 4.26.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
traitlets 4.3.2 py36h096827d_0 defaults
twisted 18.9.0 py36he774522_0 defaults
typed-ast 1.1.0 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
typing 3.6.4 py36_0 defaults
unicodecsv 0.14.1 py36h6450c06_0 defaults
urllib3 1.23 py36_0 defaults
vc 14.1 h0510ff6_4 defaults
vs2015_runtime 14.15.26706 h3a45250_0 defaults
wcwidth 0.1.7 py36h3d5aa90_0 defaults
webencodings 0.5.1 py36_1 defaults
websocket-client 0.53.0 py36_1000 conda-forge
werkzeug 0.14.1 py36_0 defaults
wheel 0.32.2 py36_0 defaults
widgetsnbextension 3.4.2 py36_0 defaults
win_inet_pton 1.0.1 py36_1 defaults
win_unicode_console 0.5 py36hcdbd4b5_0 defaults
wincertstore 0.2 py36h7fe50ca_0 defaults
winpty 0.4.3 4 defaults
wrapt 1.10.11 py36hfa6e2cd_2 defaults
xlrd 1.1.0 py36_1 defaults
xlsxwriter 1.1.2 py36_0 defaults
xlwings 0.12.1 py36_0 defaults
xlwt 1.3.0 py36h1a4751e_0 defaults
xz 5.2.4 h2fa13f4_4 defaults
yaml 0.1.7 hc54c509_2 defaults
zeromq 4.2.5 he025d50_1 defaults
zict 0.1.3 py36_0 defaults
zlib 1.2.11 h8395fce_2 defaults
zope 1.0 py36_1 defaults
zope.interface 4.5.0 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults

share|improve this question

    up vote
    down vote


    I'm duplicating this post because the question has been up on the conda github page for ~6-days with no response. The original link is here:

    Current Behavior

    When I type try to run conda update -n base conda, conda hung for around 20-minutes on 'Solving environment' and then returned a package plan that did not include an updated version of conda. The package plan that was returned is provided below.

    The package plan that was returned is as follows:

    environment location: C:UsersjmattAnaconda3
    added / updated specs:
    - conda

    The following packages will be downloaded:

    package | build
    libarchive-3.3.2 | h1d0d21d_1 4.0 MB
    lz4-c-1.8.2 | vc14_0 254 KB conda-forge
    libcurl-7.61.1 | h7602738_0 249 KB
    Total: 4.5 MB

    The following packages will be UPDATED:

    jpeg: 9b-hb83a4c4_2 --> 9b-vc14_2 conda-forge [vc14]
    libcurl: 7.61.1-h2a8f88b_0 --> 7.61.1-h7602738_0
    libsodium: 1.0.16-h9d3ae62_0 --> 1.0.16-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    libxslt: 1.1.32-hf6f1972_0 --> 1.1.32-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    lz4-c: --> 1.8.2-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    tk: 8.6.8-hfa6e2cd_0 --> 8.6.8-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    zeromq: 4.2.5-he025d50_1 --> 4.2.5-vc14_2 conda-forge [vc14]

    The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

    astropy: 3.0.5-py36he774522_0 --> 3.0.4-py36hfa6e2cd_0
    bzip2: 1.0.6-hfa6e2cd_5 --> 1.0.6-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
    curl: 7.61.1-h2a8f88b_0 --> 7.60.0-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    cython: 0.29-py36ha925a31_0 --> 0.28.5-py36h6538335_0
    freetype: 2.9.1-ha9979f8_1 --> 2.8.1-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    gevent: 1.3.7-py36he774522_1 --> 1.3.6-py36hfa6e2cd_0
    hdf5: 1.10.2-hac2f561_1 --> 1.10.2-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    icu: 58.2-ha66f8fd_1 --> 58.2-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    krb5: 1.16.1-h038dc86_6 --> 1.14.6-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    libarchive: 3.3.3-h798a506_0 --> 3.3.2-h1d0d21d_1
    libiconv: 1.15-h1df5818_7 --> 1.14-vc14_4 conda-forge [vc14]
    libpng: 1.6.35-h2a8f88b_0 --> 1.6.34-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    libtiff: 4.0.9-h36446d0_2 --> 4.0.9-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    libxml2: 2.9.8-hadb2253_1 --> 2.9.5-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
    llvmlite: 0.25.0-py36_0 --> 0.24.0-py36h6538335_0
    lxml: 4.2.5-py36hef2cd61_0 --> 4.1.1-py36he0adb16_0
    lzo: 2.10-h6df0209_2 --> 2.10-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    matplotlib: 3.0.0-py36hd159220_0 --> 2.2.2-py36h153e9ff_0
    mistune: 0.8.4-py36he774522_0 --> 0.8.3-py36hfa6e2cd_1
    numba: 0.40.0-py36hf9181ef_0 --> 0.39.0-py36h830ac7b_0
    pillow: 5.3.0-py36hdc69c19_0 --> 5.1.0-py36h0738816_0
    pyqt: 5.9.2-py36h6538335_2 --> 5.6.0-py36_2
    pywavelets: 1.0.1-py36h8c2d366_0 --> 1.0.0-py36h452e1ab_0
    qt: 5.9.6-vc14h1e9a669_2 --> 5.6.2-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
    snappy: 1.1.7-h777316e_3 --> 1.1.7-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
    sqlalchemy: 1.2.12-py36he774522_0 --> 1.2.11-py36hfa6e2cd_0
    sqlite: 3.25.2-hfa6e2cd_0 --> 3.22.0-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    twisted: 18.9.0-py36he774522_0 --> 18.7.0-py36hfa6e2cd_1
    vc: 14.1-h0510ff6_4 --> 14-h0510ff6_3
    yaml: 0.1.7-hc54c509_2 --> 0.1.7-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
    zlib: 1.2.11-h8395fce_2 --> 1.2.11-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]

    Proceed ([y]/n)? n

    NOTE: the conda version I have installed is 4.5.11 - I'm not sure if this is the most recent version and haven't been able to find a command or resource (other than conda update conda) to check what the most recent version is. I also had a similar problem when trying to conda install websocket-client when websocket client was already installed - I wonder if the current version of conda has trouble when the most recent version of a package is already installed.

    NOTE 2: conda update --all solved the environment in a reasonable amount of time (~1 min - I didn't time it precisely).

    Steps to Reproduce

    conda update -n base conda

    As I mentioned above, conda install websocket-client also hung at 'Solving environment' - I already had websocket-client version 0.53.0 installed when I tried to run the install command

    Expected Behavior

    Conda should either:
    1. If the most recent version is installed, conda should promptly inform the user that an update isn't needed.
    1. If a newer version is available, I'd expect Conda to solve the environment in a shorter period of time. I think that less than 1-2 minutes would be reasonable - 20+ minutes is too long

    Environment Information

    The output of: conda info

    active environment : base
    active env location : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3
    shell level : 1
    user config file : C:Usersjmatt.condarc
    populated config files : C:Usersjmatt.condarc
    conda version : 4.5.11
    conda-build version : 3.16.1
    python version :
    base environment : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3 (writable)
    channel URLs :
    package cache : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3pkgs
    envs directories : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3envs
    platform : win-64
    user-agent : conda/4.5.11 requests/2.19.1 CPython/3.6.6 Windows/10 Windows/10.0.17134
    administrator : False
    netrc file : None
    offline mode : False

    The output of: conda config --show-sources

    ssl_verify: True
    - defaults
    - conda-forge

    The output of: conda list --show-channel-urls

    (base) C:Usersjmatt>conda list --show-channel-urls
    packages in environment at C:UsersjmattAnaconda3:
    Name Version Build Channel
    _ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf 0.1.0 py36_0 defaults
    alabaster 0.7.12 py36_0 defaults
    anaconda custom py36h363777c_0 defaults
    anaconda-client 1.7.2 py36_0 defaults
    anaconda-navigator 1.9.2 py36_0 defaults
    anaconda-project 0.8.2 py36_0 defaults
    appdirs 1.4.3 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
    asn1crypto 0.24.0 py36_0 defaults
    astroid 2.0.4 py36_0 defaults
    astropy 3.0.5 py36he774522_0 defaults
    atomicwrites 1.2.1 py36_0 defaults
    attrs 18.2.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
    automat 0.7.0 py36_0 defaults
    babel 2.6.0 py36_0 defaults
    backcall 0.1.0 py36_0 defaults
    backports 1.0 py36_1 defaults
    backports.os 0.1.1 py36_0 defaults
    backports.shutil_get_terminal_size 1.0.0 py36_2 defaults
    beautifulsoup4 4.6.3 py36_0 defaults
    bitarray 0.8.3 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
    bkcharts 0.2 py36h7e685f7_0 defaults
    blas 1.0 mkl defaults
    blaze 0.11.3 py36_0 defaults
    bleach 3.0.2 py36_0 defaults
    blosc 1.14.4 he51fdeb_0 defaults
    bokeh 0.13.0 py36_0 defaults
    boto 2.49.0 py36_0 defaults
    bottleneck 1.2.1 py36h452e1ab_1 defaults
    bzip2 1.0.6 hfa6e2cd_5 defaults
    ca-certificates 2018.03.07 0 defaults
    certifi 2018.10.15 py36_0 defaults
    cffi 1.11.5 py36h74b6da3_1 defaults
    chardet 3.0.4 py36_1 defaults
    click 7.0 py36_0 defaults
    cloudpickle 0.6.1 py36_0 defaults
    clyent 1.2.2 py36_1 defaults
    colorama 0.4.0 py36_0 defaults
    comtypes 1.1.7 py36_0 defaults
    conda 4.5.11 py36_0 defaults
    conda-build 3.16.1 py36_0 defaults
    conda-env 2.6.0 1 defaults
    conda-verify 3.1.1 py36_0 defaults
    console_shortcut 0.1.1 3 defaults
    constantly 15.1.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
    contextlib2 0.5.5 py36he5d52c0_0 defaults
    cryptography 2.3.1 py36h74b6da3_0 defaults
    curl 7.61.1 h2a8f88b_0 defaults
    cycler 0.10.0 py36h009560c_0 defaults
    cython 0.29 py36ha925a31_0 defaults
    cytoolz py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults
    dask 0.19.4 py36_0 defaults
    dask-core 0.19.4 py36_0 defaults
    datashape 0.5.4 py36_1 defaults
    decorator 4.3.0 py36_0 defaults
    defusedxml 0.5.0 py36_1 defaults
    distributed 1.23.3 py36_0 defaults
    docutils 0.14 py36h6012d8f_0 defaults
    entrypoints 0.2.3 py36_2 defaults
    et_xmlfile 1.0.1 py36h3d2d736_0 defaults
    fastcache 1.0.2 py36hfa6e2cd_2 defaults
    filelock 3.0.9 py36_0 defaults
    flask 1.0.2 py36_1 defaults
    flask-cors 3.0.6 py36_0 defaults
    freetype 2.9.1 ha9979f8_1 defaults
    future 0.16.0 py36_2 defaults
    geographiclib 1.49 py_0 conda-forge
    geopy 1.17.0 py_0 conda-forge
    get_terminal_size 1.0.0 h38e98db_0 defaults
    gevent 1.3.7 py36he774522_1 defaults
    glob2 0.6 py36_1 defaults
    greenlet 0.4.15 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
    h5py 2.8.0 py36h3bdd7fb_2 defaults
    hdf5 1.10.2 hac2f561_1 defaults
    heapdict 1.0.0 py36_2 defaults
    html5lib 1.0.1 py36_0 defaults
    hyperlink 18.0.0 py36_0 defaults
    icc_rt 2017.0.4 h97af966_0 defaults
    icu 58.2 ha66f8fd_1 defaults
    idna 2.7 py36_0 defaults
    imageio 2.4.1 py36_0 defaults
    imagesize 1.1.0 py36_0 defaults
    importlib_metadata 0.6 py36_0 defaults
    incremental 17.5.0 py36_0 defaults
    intel-openmp 2019.0 118 defaults
    ipykernel 5.1.0 py36h39e3cac_0 defaults
    ipython 7.0.1 py36h39e3cac_0 defaults
    ipython_genutils 0.2.0 py36h3c5d0ee_0 defaults
    ipywidgets 7.4.2 py36_0 defaults
    isort 4.3.4 py36_0 defaults
    itsdangerous 1.0.0 py36_0 defaults
    jdcal 1.4 py36_0 defaults
    jedi 0.13.1 py36_0 defaults
    jinja2 2.10 py36_0 defaults
    jpeg 9b hb83a4c4_2 defaults
    jsonschema 2.6.0 py36h7636477_0 defaults
    jupyter 1.0.0 py36_7 defaults
    jupyter_client 5.2.3 py36_0 defaults
    jupyter_console 6.0.0 py36_0 defaults
    jupyter_core 4.4.0 py36_0 defaults
    jupyterlab 0.35.2 py36_0 defaults
    jupyterlab_launcher 0.13.1 py36_0 defaults
    jupyterlab_server 0.2.0 py36_0 defaults
    keyring 15.1.0 py36_0 defaults
    kiwisolver 1.0.1 py36h6538335_0 defaults
    krb5 1.16.1 h038dc86_6 defaults
    lazy-object-proxy 1.3.1 py36hfa6e2cd_2 defaults
    libarchive 3.3.3 h798a506_0 defaults
    libcurl 7.61.1 h2a8f88b_0 defaults
    libiconv 1.15 h1df5818_7 defaults
    libpng 1.6.35 h2a8f88b_0 defaults
    libsodium 1.0.16 h9d3ae62_0 defaults
    libssh2 1.8.0 hd619d38_4 defaults
    libtiff 4.0.9 h36446d0_2 defaults
    libxml2 2.9.8 hadb2253_1 defaults
    libxslt 1.1.32 hf6f1972_0 defaults
    llvmlite 0.25.0 py36_0 defaults
    locket 0.2.0 py36hfed976d_1 defaults
    lxml 4.2.5 py36hef2cd61_0 defaults
    lz4-c h2fa13f4_0 defaults
    lzo 2.10 h6df0209_2 defaults
    m2w64-gcc-libgfortran 5.3.0 6 defaults
    m2w64-gcc-libs 5.3.0 7 defaults
    m2w64-gcc-libs-core 5.3.0 7 defaults
    m2w64-gmp 6.1.0 2 defaults
    m2w64-libwinpthread-git 2 defaults
    markupsafe 1.0 py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults
    matplotlib 3.0.0 py36hd159220_0 defaults
    mccabe 0.6.1 py36_1 defaults
    menuinst 1.4.14 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
    mistune 0.8.4 py36he774522_0 defaults
    mkl 2019.0 118 defaults
    mkl-service 1.1.2 py36hb217b18_5 defaults
    mkl_fft 1.0.6 py36hdbbee80_0 defaults
    mkl_random 1.0.1 py36h77b88f5_1 defaults
    more-itertools 4.3.0 py36_0 defaults
    mpmath 1.0.0 py36_2 defaults
    msgpack-python 0.5.6 py36he980bc4_1 defaults
    msys2-conda-epoch 20160418 1 defaults
    multipledispatch 0.6.0 py36_0 defaults
    navigator-updater 0.2.1 py36_0 defaults
    nbconvert 5.3.1 py36_0 defaults
    nbformat 4.4.0 py36h3a5bc1b_0 defaults
    networkx 2.2 py36_1 defaults
    nltk 3.3.0 py36_0 defaults
    nose 1.3.7 py36_2 defaults
    notebook 5.7.0 py36_0 defaults
    numba 0.40.0 py36hf9181ef_0 defaults
    numexpr 2.6.8 py36h9ef55f4_0 defaults
    numpy 1.15.3 py36ha559c80_0 defaults
    numpy-base 1.15.3 py36h8128ebf_0 defaults
    numpydoc 0.8.0 py36_0 defaults
    odo 0.5.1 py36h7560279_0 defaults
    olefile 0.46 py36_0 defaults
    openpyxl 2.5.9 py36_0 defaults
    openssl 1.0.2p hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
    packaging 18.0 py36_0 defaults
    pandas 0.23.4 py36h830ac7b_0 defaults
    pandoc 0 defaults
    pandocfilters 1.4.2 py36_1 defaults
    parso 0.3.1 py36_0 defaults
    partd 0.3.9 py36_0 defaults 11.5.0 py36_0 defaults
    pathlib2 2.3.2 py36_0 defaults
    patsy 0.5.0 py36_0 defaults
    pep8 1.7.1 py36_0 defaults
    pickleshare 0.7.5 py36_0 defaults
    pillow 5.3.0 py36hdc69c19_0 defaults
    pip 10.0.1 py36_0 defaults
    pkginfo 1.4.2 py36_1 defaults
    pluggy 0.8.0 py36_0 defaults
    ply 3.11 py36_0 defaults
    prometheus_client 0.4.2 py36_0 defaults
    prompt_toolkit 2.0.6 py36_0 defaults
    psutil 5.4.7 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
    py 1.7.0 py36_0 defaults
    pyasn1 0.4.4 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
    pyasn1-modules 0.2.2 py36_0 defaults
    pycodestyle 2.4.0 py36_0 defaults
    pycosat 0.6.3 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
    pycparser 2.19 py36_0 defaults
    pycrypto 2.6.1 py36hfa6e2cd_9 defaults
    pycurl py36h74b6da3_0 defaults
    pyflakes 2.0.0 py36_0 defaults
    pygments 2.2.0 py36hb010967_0 defaults
    pyhamcrest 1.9.0 py36_2 defaults
    pylint 2.1.1 py36_0 defaults
    pyodbc 4.0.24 py36h6538335_0 defaults
    pyopenssl 18.0.0 py36_0 defaults
    pyparsing 2.2.2 py36_0 defaults
    pyqt 5.9.2 py36h6538335_2 defaults
    pysocks 1.6.8 py36_0 defaults
    pytables 3.4.4 py36he6f6034_0 defaults
    pytest 3.9.1 py36_0 defaults
    pytest-arraydiff 0.2 py36h39e3cac_0 defaults
    pytest-astropy 0.4.0 py36_0 defaults
    pytest-doctestplus 0.1.3 py36_0 defaults
    pytest-openfiles 0.3.0 py36_0 defaults
    pytest-remotedata 0.3.0 py36_0 defaults
    python 3.6.6 hea74fb7_0 defaults
    python-dateutil 2.7.3 py36_0 defaults
    python-libarchive-c 2.8 py36_6 defaults
    pytz 2018.5 py36_0 defaults
    pywavelets 1.0.1 py36h8c2d366_0 defaults
    pywin32 223 py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults
    pywinpty 0.5.4 py36_0 defaults
    pyyaml 3.13 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
    pyzmq 17.1.2 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
    qt 5.9.6 vc14h1e9a669_2 defaults
    qtawesome 0.5.1 py36_1 defaults
    qtconsole 4.4.2 py36_0 defaults
    qtpy 1.5.2 py36_0 defaults
    requests 2.19.1 py36_0 defaults
    rope 0.11.0 py36_0 defaults
    ruamel_yaml 0.15.46 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
    scikit-image 0.14.0 py36h6538335_1 defaults
    scikit-learn 0.20.0 py36heebcf9a_1 defaults
    scipy 1.1.0 py36h4f6bf74_1 defaults
    seaborn 0.9.0 py36_0 defaults
    send2trash 1.5.0 py36_0 defaults
    service_identity 17.0.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
    setuptools 40.4.3 py36_0 defaults
    simplegeneric 0.8.1 py36_2 defaults
    singledispatch py36h17d0c80_0 defaults
    sip 4.19.8 py36h6538335_0 defaults
    six 1.11.0 py36_1 defaults
    snappy 1.1.7 h777316e_3 defaults
    snowballstemmer 1.2.1 py36h763602f_0 defaults
    sortedcollections 1.0.1 py36_0 defaults
    sortedcontainers 2.0.5 py36_0 defaults
    sphinx 1.8.1 py36_0 defaults
    sphinxcontrib 1.0 py36_1 defaults
    sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.1.0 py36_1 defaults
    spyder 3.3.1 py36_1 defaults
    spyder-kernels 0.2.6 py36_0 defaults
    sqlalchemy 1.2.12 py36he774522_0 defaults
    sqlite 3.25.2 hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
    statsmodels 0.9.0 py36h452e1ab_0 defaults
    sympy 1.3 py36_0 defaults
    tblib 1.3.2 py36h30f5020_0 defaults
    terminado 0.8.1 py36_1 defaults
    testpath 0.4.2 py36_0 defaults
    tk 8.6.8 hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
    toolz 0.9.0 py36_0 defaults
    tornado 5.1.1 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
    tqdm 4.26.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
    traitlets 4.3.2 py36h096827d_0 defaults
    twisted 18.9.0 py36he774522_0 defaults
    typed-ast 1.1.0 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
    typing 3.6.4 py36_0 defaults
    unicodecsv 0.14.1 py36h6450c06_0 defaults
    urllib3 1.23 py36_0 defaults
    vc 14.1 h0510ff6_4 defaults
    vs2015_runtime 14.15.26706 h3a45250_0 defaults
    wcwidth 0.1.7 py36h3d5aa90_0 defaults
    webencodings 0.5.1 py36_1 defaults
    websocket-client 0.53.0 py36_1000 conda-forge
    werkzeug 0.14.1 py36_0 defaults
    wheel 0.32.2 py36_0 defaults
    widgetsnbextension 3.4.2 py36_0 defaults
    win_inet_pton 1.0.1 py36_1 defaults
    win_unicode_console 0.5 py36hcdbd4b5_0 defaults
    wincertstore 0.2 py36h7fe50ca_0 defaults
    winpty 0.4.3 4 defaults
    wrapt 1.10.11 py36hfa6e2cd_2 defaults
    xlrd 1.1.0 py36_1 defaults
    xlsxwriter 1.1.2 py36_0 defaults
    xlwings 0.12.1 py36_0 defaults
    xlwt 1.3.0 py36h1a4751e_0 defaults
    xz 5.2.4 h2fa13f4_4 defaults
    yaml 0.1.7 hc54c509_2 defaults
    zeromq 4.2.5 he025d50_1 defaults
    zict 0.1.3 py36_0 defaults
    zlib 1.2.11 h8395fce_2 defaults
    zope 1.0 py36_1 defaults
    zope.interface 4.5.0 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      I'm duplicating this post because the question has been up on the conda github page for ~6-days with no response. The original link is here:

      Current Behavior

      When I type try to run conda update -n base conda, conda hung for around 20-minutes on 'Solving environment' and then returned a package plan that did not include an updated version of conda. The package plan that was returned is provided below.

      The package plan that was returned is as follows:

      environment location: C:UsersjmattAnaconda3
      added / updated specs:
      - conda

      The following packages will be downloaded:

      package | build
      libarchive-3.3.2 | h1d0d21d_1 4.0 MB
      lz4-c-1.8.2 | vc14_0 254 KB conda-forge
      libcurl-7.61.1 | h7602738_0 249 KB
      Total: 4.5 MB

      The following packages will be UPDATED:

      jpeg: 9b-hb83a4c4_2 --> 9b-vc14_2 conda-forge [vc14]
      libcurl: 7.61.1-h2a8f88b_0 --> 7.61.1-h7602738_0
      libsodium: 1.0.16-h9d3ae62_0 --> 1.0.16-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      libxslt: 1.1.32-hf6f1972_0 --> 1.1.32-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      lz4-c: --> 1.8.2-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      tk: 8.6.8-hfa6e2cd_0 --> 8.6.8-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      zeromq: 4.2.5-he025d50_1 --> 4.2.5-vc14_2 conda-forge [vc14]

      The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

      astropy: 3.0.5-py36he774522_0 --> 3.0.4-py36hfa6e2cd_0
      bzip2: 1.0.6-hfa6e2cd_5 --> 1.0.6-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
      curl: 7.61.1-h2a8f88b_0 --> 7.60.0-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      cython: 0.29-py36ha925a31_0 --> 0.28.5-py36h6538335_0
      freetype: 2.9.1-ha9979f8_1 --> 2.8.1-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      gevent: 1.3.7-py36he774522_1 --> 1.3.6-py36hfa6e2cd_0
      hdf5: 1.10.2-hac2f561_1 --> 1.10.2-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      icu: 58.2-ha66f8fd_1 --> 58.2-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      krb5: 1.16.1-h038dc86_6 --> 1.14.6-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      libarchive: 3.3.3-h798a506_0 --> 3.3.2-h1d0d21d_1
      libiconv: 1.15-h1df5818_7 --> 1.14-vc14_4 conda-forge [vc14]
      libpng: 1.6.35-h2a8f88b_0 --> 1.6.34-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      libtiff: 4.0.9-h36446d0_2 --> 4.0.9-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      libxml2: 2.9.8-hadb2253_1 --> 2.9.5-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
      llvmlite: 0.25.0-py36_0 --> 0.24.0-py36h6538335_0
      lxml: 4.2.5-py36hef2cd61_0 --> 4.1.1-py36he0adb16_0
      lzo: 2.10-h6df0209_2 --> 2.10-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      matplotlib: 3.0.0-py36hd159220_0 --> 2.2.2-py36h153e9ff_0
      mistune: 0.8.4-py36he774522_0 --> 0.8.3-py36hfa6e2cd_1
      numba: 0.40.0-py36hf9181ef_0 --> 0.39.0-py36h830ac7b_0
      pillow: 5.3.0-py36hdc69c19_0 --> 5.1.0-py36h0738816_0
      pyqt: 5.9.2-py36h6538335_2 --> 5.6.0-py36_2
      pywavelets: 1.0.1-py36h8c2d366_0 --> 1.0.0-py36h452e1ab_0
      qt: 5.9.6-vc14h1e9a669_2 --> 5.6.2-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
      snappy: 1.1.7-h777316e_3 --> 1.1.7-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
      sqlalchemy: 1.2.12-py36he774522_0 --> 1.2.11-py36hfa6e2cd_0
      sqlite: 3.25.2-hfa6e2cd_0 --> 3.22.0-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      twisted: 18.9.0-py36he774522_0 --> 18.7.0-py36hfa6e2cd_1
      vc: 14.1-h0510ff6_4 --> 14-h0510ff6_3
      yaml: 0.1.7-hc54c509_2 --> 0.1.7-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      zlib: 1.2.11-h8395fce_2 --> 1.2.11-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]

      Proceed ([y]/n)? n

      NOTE: the conda version I have installed is 4.5.11 - I'm not sure if this is the most recent version and haven't been able to find a command or resource (other than conda update conda) to check what the most recent version is. I also had a similar problem when trying to conda install websocket-client when websocket client was already installed - I wonder if the current version of conda has trouble when the most recent version of a package is already installed.

      NOTE 2: conda update --all solved the environment in a reasonable amount of time (~1 min - I didn't time it precisely).

      Steps to Reproduce

      conda update -n base conda

      As I mentioned above, conda install websocket-client also hung at 'Solving environment' - I already had websocket-client version 0.53.0 installed when I tried to run the install command

      Expected Behavior

      Conda should either:
      1. If the most recent version is installed, conda should promptly inform the user that an update isn't needed.
      1. If a newer version is available, I'd expect Conda to solve the environment in a shorter period of time. I think that less than 1-2 minutes would be reasonable - 20+ minutes is too long

      Environment Information

      The output of: conda info

      active environment : base
      active env location : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3
      shell level : 1
      user config file : C:Usersjmatt.condarc
      populated config files : C:Usersjmatt.condarc
      conda version : 4.5.11
      conda-build version : 3.16.1
      python version :
      base environment : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3 (writable)
      channel URLs :
      package cache : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3pkgs
      envs directories : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3envs
      platform : win-64
      user-agent : conda/4.5.11 requests/2.19.1 CPython/3.6.6 Windows/10 Windows/10.0.17134
      administrator : False
      netrc file : None
      offline mode : False

      The output of: conda config --show-sources

      ssl_verify: True
      - defaults
      - conda-forge

      The output of: conda list --show-channel-urls

      (base) C:Usersjmatt>conda list --show-channel-urls
      packages in environment at C:UsersjmattAnaconda3:
      Name Version Build Channel
      _ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf 0.1.0 py36_0 defaults
      alabaster 0.7.12 py36_0 defaults
      anaconda custom py36h363777c_0 defaults
      anaconda-client 1.7.2 py36_0 defaults
      anaconda-navigator 1.9.2 py36_0 defaults
      anaconda-project 0.8.2 py36_0 defaults
      appdirs 1.4.3 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
      asn1crypto 0.24.0 py36_0 defaults
      astroid 2.0.4 py36_0 defaults
      astropy 3.0.5 py36he774522_0 defaults
      atomicwrites 1.2.1 py36_0 defaults
      attrs 18.2.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
      automat 0.7.0 py36_0 defaults
      babel 2.6.0 py36_0 defaults
      backcall 0.1.0 py36_0 defaults
      backports 1.0 py36_1 defaults
      backports.os 0.1.1 py36_0 defaults
      backports.shutil_get_terminal_size 1.0.0 py36_2 defaults
      beautifulsoup4 4.6.3 py36_0 defaults
      bitarray 0.8.3 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      bkcharts 0.2 py36h7e685f7_0 defaults
      blas 1.0 mkl defaults
      blaze 0.11.3 py36_0 defaults
      bleach 3.0.2 py36_0 defaults
      blosc 1.14.4 he51fdeb_0 defaults
      bokeh 0.13.0 py36_0 defaults
      boto 2.49.0 py36_0 defaults
      bottleneck 1.2.1 py36h452e1ab_1 defaults
      bzip2 1.0.6 hfa6e2cd_5 defaults
      ca-certificates 2018.03.07 0 defaults
      certifi 2018.10.15 py36_0 defaults
      cffi 1.11.5 py36h74b6da3_1 defaults
      chardet 3.0.4 py36_1 defaults
      click 7.0 py36_0 defaults
      cloudpickle 0.6.1 py36_0 defaults
      clyent 1.2.2 py36_1 defaults
      colorama 0.4.0 py36_0 defaults
      comtypes 1.1.7 py36_0 defaults
      conda 4.5.11 py36_0 defaults
      conda-build 3.16.1 py36_0 defaults
      conda-env 2.6.0 1 defaults
      conda-verify 3.1.1 py36_0 defaults
      console_shortcut 0.1.1 3 defaults
      constantly 15.1.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
      contextlib2 0.5.5 py36he5d52c0_0 defaults
      cryptography 2.3.1 py36h74b6da3_0 defaults
      curl 7.61.1 h2a8f88b_0 defaults
      cycler 0.10.0 py36h009560c_0 defaults
      cython 0.29 py36ha925a31_0 defaults
      cytoolz py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults
      dask 0.19.4 py36_0 defaults
      dask-core 0.19.4 py36_0 defaults
      datashape 0.5.4 py36_1 defaults
      decorator 4.3.0 py36_0 defaults
      defusedxml 0.5.0 py36_1 defaults
      distributed 1.23.3 py36_0 defaults
      docutils 0.14 py36h6012d8f_0 defaults
      entrypoints 0.2.3 py36_2 defaults
      et_xmlfile 1.0.1 py36h3d2d736_0 defaults
      fastcache 1.0.2 py36hfa6e2cd_2 defaults
      filelock 3.0.9 py36_0 defaults
      flask 1.0.2 py36_1 defaults
      flask-cors 3.0.6 py36_0 defaults
      freetype 2.9.1 ha9979f8_1 defaults
      future 0.16.0 py36_2 defaults
      geographiclib 1.49 py_0 conda-forge
      geopy 1.17.0 py_0 conda-forge
      get_terminal_size 1.0.0 h38e98db_0 defaults
      gevent 1.3.7 py36he774522_1 defaults
      glob2 0.6 py36_1 defaults
      greenlet 0.4.15 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      h5py 2.8.0 py36h3bdd7fb_2 defaults
      hdf5 1.10.2 hac2f561_1 defaults
      heapdict 1.0.0 py36_2 defaults
      html5lib 1.0.1 py36_0 defaults
      hyperlink 18.0.0 py36_0 defaults
      icc_rt 2017.0.4 h97af966_0 defaults
      icu 58.2 ha66f8fd_1 defaults
      idna 2.7 py36_0 defaults
      imageio 2.4.1 py36_0 defaults
      imagesize 1.1.0 py36_0 defaults
      importlib_metadata 0.6 py36_0 defaults
      incremental 17.5.0 py36_0 defaults
      intel-openmp 2019.0 118 defaults
      ipykernel 5.1.0 py36h39e3cac_0 defaults
      ipython 7.0.1 py36h39e3cac_0 defaults
      ipython_genutils 0.2.0 py36h3c5d0ee_0 defaults
      ipywidgets 7.4.2 py36_0 defaults
      isort 4.3.4 py36_0 defaults
      itsdangerous 1.0.0 py36_0 defaults
      jdcal 1.4 py36_0 defaults
      jedi 0.13.1 py36_0 defaults
      jinja2 2.10 py36_0 defaults
      jpeg 9b hb83a4c4_2 defaults
      jsonschema 2.6.0 py36h7636477_0 defaults
      jupyter 1.0.0 py36_7 defaults
      jupyter_client 5.2.3 py36_0 defaults
      jupyter_console 6.0.0 py36_0 defaults
      jupyter_core 4.4.0 py36_0 defaults
      jupyterlab 0.35.2 py36_0 defaults
      jupyterlab_launcher 0.13.1 py36_0 defaults
      jupyterlab_server 0.2.0 py36_0 defaults
      keyring 15.1.0 py36_0 defaults
      kiwisolver 1.0.1 py36h6538335_0 defaults
      krb5 1.16.1 h038dc86_6 defaults
      lazy-object-proxy 1.3.1 py36hfa6e2cd_2 defaults
      libarchive 3.3.3 h798a506_0 defaults
      libcurl 7.61.1 h2a8f88b_0 defaults
      libiconv 1.15 h1df5818_7 defaults
      libpng 1.6.35 h2a8f88b_0 defaults
      libsodium 1.0.16 h9d3ae62_0 defaults
      libssh2 1.8.0 hd619d38_4 defaults
      libtiff 4.0.9 h36446d0_2 defaults
      libxml2 2.9.8 hadb2253_1 defaults
      libxslt 1.1.32 hf6f1972_0 defaults
      llvmlite 0.25.0 py36_0 defaults
      locket 0.2.0 py36hfed976d_1 defaults
      lxml 4.2.5 py36hef2cd61_0 defaults
      lz4-c h2fa13f4_0 defaults
      lzo 2.10 h6df0209_2 defaults
      m2w64-gcc-libgfortran 5.3.0 6 defaults
      m2w64-gcc-libs 5.3.0 7 defaults
      m2w64-gcc-libs-core 5.3.0 7 defaults
      m2w64-gmp 6.1.0 2 defaults
      m2w64-libwinpthread-git 2 defaults
      markupsafe 1.0 py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults
      matplotlib 3.0.0 py36hd159220_0 defaults
      mccabe 0.6.1 py36_1 defaults
      menuinst 1.4.14 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      mistune 0.8.4 py36he774522_0 defaults
      mkl 2019.0 118 defaults
      mkl-service 1.1.2 py36hb217b18_5 defaults
      mkl_fft 1.0.6 py36hdbbee80_0 defaults
      mkl_random 1.0.1 py36h77b88f5_1 defaults
      more-itertools 4.3.0 py36_0 defaults
      mpmath 1.0.0 py36_2 defaults
      msgpack-python 0.5.6 py36he980bc4_1 defaults
      msys2-conda-epoch 20160418 1 defaults
      multipledispatch 0.6.0 py36_0 defaults
      navigator-updater 0.2.1 py36_0 defaults
      nbconvert 5.3.1 py36_0 defaults
      nbformat 4.4.0 py36h3a5bc1b_0 defaults
      networkx 2.2 py36_1 defaults
      nltk 3.3.0 py36_0 defaults
      nose 1.3.7 py36_2 defaults
      notebook 5.7.0 py36_0 defaults
      numba 0.40.0 py36hf9181ef_0 defaults
      numexpr 2.6.8 py36h9ef55f4_0 defaults
      numpy 1.15.3 py36ha559c80_0 defaults
      numpy-base 1.15.3 py36h8128ebf_0 defaults
      numpydoc 0.8.0 py36_0 defaults
      odo 0.5.1 py36h7560279_0 defaults
      olefile 0.46 py36_0 defaults
      openpyxl 2.5.9 py36_0 defaults
      openssl 1.0.2p hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      packaging 18.0 py36_0 defaults
      pandas 0.23.4 py36h830ac7b_0 defaults
      pandoc 0 defaults
      pandocfilters 1.4.2 py36_1 defaults
      parso 0.3.1 py36_0 defaults
      partd 0.3.9 py36_0 defaults 11.5.0 py36_0 defaults
      pathlib2 2.3.2 py36_0 defaults
      patsy 0.5.0 py36_0 defaults
      pep8 1.7.1 py36_0 defaults
      pickleshare 0.7.5 py36_0 defaults
      pillow 5.3.0 py36hdc69c19_0 defaults
      pip 10.0.1 py36_0 defaults
      pkginfo 1.4.2 py36_1 defaults
      pluggy 0.8.0 py36_0 defaults
      ply 3.11 py36_0 defaults
      prometheus_client 0.4.2 py36_0 defaults
      prompt_toolkit 2.0.6 py36_0 defaults
      psutil 5.4.7 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      py 1.7.0 py36_0 defaults
      pyasn1 0.4.4 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
      pyasn1-modules 0.2.2 py36_0 defaults
      pycodestyle 2.4.0 py36_0 defaults
      pycosat 0.6.3 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      pycparser 2.19 py36_0 defaults
      pycrypto 2.6.1 py36hfa6e2cd_9 defaults
      pycurl py36h74b6da3_0 defaults
      pyflakes 2.0.0 py36_0 defaults
      pygments 2.2.0 py36hb010967_0 defaults
      pyhamcrest 1.9.0 py36_2 defaults
      pylint 2.1.1 py36_0 defaults
      pyodbc 4.0.24 py36h6538335_0 defaults
      pyopenssl 18.0.0 py36_0 defaults
      pyparsing 2.2.2 py36_0 defaults
      pyqt 5.9.2 py36h6538335_2 defaults
      pysocks 1.6.8 py36_0 defaults
      pytables 3.4.4 py36he6f6034_0 defaults
      pytest 3.9.1 py36_0 defaults
      pytest-arraydiff 0.2 py36h39e3cac_0 defaults
      pytest-astropy 0.4.0 py36_0 defaults
      pytest-doctestplus 0.1.3 py36_0 defaults
      pytest-openfiles 0.3.0 py36_0 defaults
      pytest-remotedata 0.3.0 py36_0 defaults
      python 3.6.6 hea74fb7_0 defaults
      python-dateutil 2.7.3 py36_0 defaults
      python-libarchive-c 2.8 py36_6 defaults
      pytz 2018.5 py36_0 defaults
      pywavelets 1.0.1 py36h8c2d366_0 defaults
      pywin32 223 py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults
      pywinpty 0.5.4 py36_0 defaults
      pyyaml 3.13 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      pyzmq 17.1.2 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      qt 5.9.6 vc14h1e9a669_2 defaults
      qtawesome 0.5.1 py36_1 defaults
      qtconsole 4.4.2 py36_0 defaults
      qtpy 1.5.2 py36_0 defaults
      requests 2.19.1 py36_0 defaults
      rope 0.11.0 py36_0 defaults
      ruamel_yaml 0.15.46 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      scikit-image 0.14.0 py36h6538335_1 defaults
      scikit-learn 0.20.0 py36heebcf9a_1 defaults
      scipy 1.1.0 py36h4f6bf74_1 defaults
      seaborn 0.9.0 py36_0 defaults
      send2trash 1.5.0 py36_0 defaults
      service_identity 17.0.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
      setuptools 40.4.3 py36_0 defaults
      simplegeneric 0.8.1 py36_2 defaults
      singledispatch py36h17d0c80_0 defaults
      sip 4.19.8 py36h6538335_0 defaults
      six 1.11.0 py36_1 defaults
      snappy 1.1.7 h777316e_3 defaults
      snowballstemmer 1.2.1 py36h763602f_0 defaults
      sortedcollections 1.0.1 py36_0 defaults
      sortedcontainers 2.0.5 py36_0 defaults
      sphinx 1.8.1 py36_0 defaults
      sphinxcontrib 1.0 py36_1 defaults
      sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.1.0 py36_1 defaults
      spyder 3.3.1 py36_1 defaults
      spyder-kernels 0.2.6 py36_0 defaults
      sqlalchemy 1.2.12 py36he774522_0 defaults
      sqlite 3.25.2 hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      statsmodels 0.9.0 py36h452e1ab_0 defaults
      sympy 1.3 py36_0 defaults
      tblib 1.3.2 py36h30f5020_0 defaults
      terminado 0.8.1 py36_1 defaults
      testpath 0.4.2 py36_0 defaults
      tk 8.6.8 hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      toolz 0.9.0 py36_0 defaults
      tornado 5.1.1 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      tqdm 4.26.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
      traitlets 4.3.2 py36h096827d_0 defaults
      twisted 18.9.0 py36he774522_0 defaults
      typed-ast 1.1.0 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      typing 3.6.4 py36_0 defaults
      unicodecsv 0.14.1 py36h6450c06_0 defaults
      urllib3 1.23 py36_0 defaults
      vc 14.1 h0510ff6_4 defaults
      vs2015_runtime 14.15.26706 h3a45250_0 defaults
      wcwidth 0.1.7 py36h3d5aa90_0 defaults
      webencodings 0.5.1 py36_1 defaults
      websocket-client 0.53.0 py36_1000 conda-forge
      werkzeug 0.14.1 py36_0 defaults
      wheel 0.32.2 py36_0 defaults
      widgetsnbextension 3.4.2 py36_0 defaults
      win_inet_pton 1.0.1 py36_1 defaults
      win_unicode_console 0.5 py36hcdbd4b5_0 defaults
      wincertstore 0.2 py36h7fe50ca_0 defaults
      winpty 0.4.3 4 defaults
      wrapt 1.10.11 py36hfa6e2cd_2 defaults
      xlrd 1.1.0 py36_1 defaults
      xlsxwriter 1.1.2 py36_0 defaults
      xlwings 0.12.1 py36_0 defaults
      xlwt 1.3.0 py36h1a4751e_0 defaults
      xz 5.2.4 h2fa13f4_4 defaults
      yaml 0.1.7 hc54c509_2 defaults
      zeromq 4.2.5 he025d50_1 defaults
      zict 0.1.3 py36_0 defaults
      zlib 1.2.11 h8395fce_2 defaults
      zope 1.0 py36_1 defaults
      zope.interface 4.5.0 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults

      share|improve this question

      I'm duplicating this post because the question has been up on the conda github page for ~6-days with no response. The original link is here:

      Current Behavior

      When I type try to run conda update -n base conda, conda hung for around 20-minutes on 'Solving environment' and then returned a package plan that did not include an updated version of conda. The package plan that was returned is provided below.

      The package plan that was returned is as follows:

      environment location: C:UsersjmattAnaconda3
      added / updated specs:
      - conda

      The following packages will be downloaded:

      package | build
      libarchive-3.3.2 | h1d0d21d_1 4.0 MB
      lz4-c-1.8.2 | vc14_0 254 KB conda-forge
      libcurl-7.61.1 | h7602738_0 249 KB
      Total: 4.5 MB

      The following packages will be UPDATED:

      jpeg: 9b-hb83a4c4_2 --> 9b-vc14_2 conda-forge [vc14]
      libcurl: 7.61.1-h2a8f88b_0 --> 7.61.1-h7602738_0
      libsodium: 1.0.16-h9d3ae62_0 --> 1.0.16-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      libxslt: 1.1.32-hf6f1972_0 --> 1.1.32-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      lz4-c: --> 1.8.2-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      tk: 8.6.8-hfa6e2cd_0 --> 8.6.8-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      zeromq: 4.2.5-he025d50_1 --> 4.2.5-vc14_2 conda-forge [vc14]

      The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

      astropy: 3.0.5-py36he774522_0 --> 3.0.4-py36hfa6e2cd_0
      bzip2: 1.0.6-hfa6e2cd_5 --> 1.0.6-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
      curl: 7.61.1-h2a8f88b_0 --> 7.60.0-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      cython: 0.29-py36ha925a31_0 --> 0.28.5-py36h6538335_0
      freetype: 2.9.1-ha9979f8_1 --> 2.8.1-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      gevent: 1.3.7-py36he774522_1 --> 1.3.6-py36hfa6e2cd_0
      hdf5: 1.10.2-hac2f561_1 --> 1.10.2-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      icu: 58.2-ha66f8fd_1 --> 58.2-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      krb5: 1.16.1-h038dc86_6 --> 1.14.6-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      libarchive: 3.3.3-h798a506_0 --> 3.3.2-h1d0d21d_1
      libiconv: 1.15-h1df5818_7 --> 1.14-vc14_4 conda-forge [vc14]
      libpng: 1.6.35-h2a8f88b_0 --> 1.6.34-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      libtiff: 4.0.9-h36446d0_2 --> 4.0.9-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      libxml2: 2.9.8-hadb2253_1 --> 2.9.5-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
      llvmlite: 0.25.0-py36_0 --> 0.24.0-py36h6538335_0
      lxml: 4.2.5-py36hef2cd61_0 --> 4.1.1-py36he0adb16_0
      lzo: 2.10-h6df0209_2 --> 2.10-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      matplotlib: 3.0.0-py36hd159220_0 --> 2.2.2-py36h153e9ff_0
      mistune: 0.8.4-py36he774522_0 --> 0.8.3-py36hfa6e2cd_1
      numba: 0.40.0-py36hf9181ef_0 --> 0.39.0-py36h830ac7b_0
      pillow: 5.3.0-py36hdc69c19_0 --> 5.1.0-py36h0738816_0
      pyqt: 5.9.2-py36h6538335_2 --> 5.6.0-py36_2
      pywavelets: 1.0.1-py36h8c2d366_0 --> 1.0.0-py36h452e1ab_0
      qt: 5.9.6-vc14h1e9a669_2 --> 5.6.2-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
      snappy: 1.1.7-h777316e_3 --> 1.1.7-vc14_1 conda-forge [vc14]
      sqlalchemy: 1.2.12-py36he774522_0 --> 1.2.11-py36hfa6e2cd_0
      sqlite: 3.25.2-hfa6e2cd_0 --> 3.22.0-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      twisted: 18.9.0-py36he774522_0 --> 18.7.0-py36hfa6e2cd_1
      vc: 14.1-h0510ff6_4 --> 14-h0510ff6_3
      yaml: 0.1.7-hc54c509_2 --> 0.1.7-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]
      zlib: 1.2.11-h8395fce_2 --> 1.2.11-vc14_0 conda-forge [vc14]

      Proceed ([y]/n)? n

      NOTE: the conda version I have installed is 4.5.11 - I'm not sure if this is the most recent version and haven't been able to find a command or resource (other than conda update conda) to check what the most recent version is. I also had a similar problem when trying to conda install websocket-client when websocket client was already installed - I wonder if the current version of conda has trouble when the most recent version of a package is already installed.

      NOTE 2: conda update --all solved the environment in a reasonable amount of time (~1 min - I didn't time it precisely).

      Steps to Reproduce

      conda update -n base conda

      As I mentioned above, conda install websocket-client also hung at 'Solving environment' - I already had websocket-client version 0.53.0 installed when I tried to run the install command

      Expected Behavior

      Conda should either:
      1. If the most recent version is installed, conda should promptly inform the user that an update isn't needed.
      1. If a newer version is available, I'd expect Conda to solve the environment in a shorter period of time. I think that less than 1-2 minutes would be reasonable - 20+ minutes is too long

      Environment Information

      The output of: conda info

      active environment : base
      active env location : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3
      shell level : 1
      user config file : C:Usersjmatt.condarc
      populated config files : C:Usersjmatt.condarc
      conda version : 4.5.11
      conda-build version : 3.16.1
      python version :
      base environment : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3 (writable)
      channel URLs :
      package cache : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3pkgs
      envs directories : C:UsersjmattAnaconda3envs
      platform : win-64
      user-agent : conda/4.5.11 requests/2.19.1 CPython/3.6.6 Windows/10 Windows/10.0.17134
      administrator : False
      netrc file : None
      offline mode : False

      The output of: conda config --show-sources

      ssl_verify: True
      - defaults
      - conda-forge

      The output of: conda list --show-channel-urls

      (base) C:Usersjmatt>conda list --show-channel-urls
      packages in environment at C:UsersjmattAnaconda3:
      Name Version Build Channel
      _ipyw_jlab_nb_ext_conf 0.1.0 py36_0 defaults
      alabaster 0.7.12 py36_0 defaults
      anaconda custom py36h363777c_0 defaults
      anaconda-client 1.7.2 py36_0 defaults
      anaconda-navigator 1.9.2 py36_0 defaults
      anaconda-project 0.8.2 py36_0 defaults
      appdirs 1.4.3 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
      asn1crypto 0.24.0 py36_0 defaults
      astroid 2.0.4 py36_0 defaults
      astropy 3.0.5 py36he774522_0 defaults
      atomicwrites 1.2.1 py36_0 defaults
      attrs 18.2.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
      automat 0.7.0 py36_0 defaults
      babel 2.6.0 py36_0 defaults
      backcall 0.1.0 py36_0 defaults
      backports 1.0 py36_1 defaults
      backports.os 0.1.1 py36_0 defaults
      backports.shutil_get_terminal_size 1.0.0 py36_2 defaults
      beautifulsoup4 4.6.3 py36_0 defaults
      bitarray 0.8.3 py36hfa6e2cd_0 defaults
      bkcharts 0.2 py36h7e685f7_0 defaults
      blas 1.0 mkl defaults
      blaze 0.11.3 py36_0 defaults
      bleach 3.0.2 py36_0 defaults
      blosc 1.14.4 he51fdeb_0 defaults
      bokeh 0.13.0 py36_0 defaults
      boto 2.49.0 py36_0 defaults
      bottleneck 1.2.1 py36h452e1ab_1 defaults
      bzip2 1.0.6 hfa6e2cd_5 defaults
      ca-certificates 2018.03.07 0 defaults
      certifi 2018.10.15 py36_0 defaults
      cffi 1.11.5 py36h74b6da3_1 defaults
      chardet 3.0.4 py36_1 defaults
      click 7.0 py36_0 defaults
      cloudpickle 0.6.1 py36_0 defaults
      clyent 1.2.2 py36_1 defaults
      colorama 0.4.0 py36_0 defaults
      comtypes 1.1.7 py36_0 defaults
      conda 4.5.11 py36_0 defaults
      conda-build 3.16.1 py36_0 defaults
      conda-env 2.6.0 1 defaults
      conda-verify 3.1.1 py36_0 defaults
      console_shortcut 0.1.1 3 defaults
      constantly 15.1.0 py36h28b3542_0 defaults
      contextlib2 0.5.5 py36he5d52c0_0 defaults
      cryptography 2.3.1 py36h74b6da3_0 defaults
      curl 7.61.1 h2a8f88b_0 defaults
      cycler 0.10.0 py36h009560c_0 defaults
      cython 0.29 py36ha925a31_0 defaults
      cytoolz py36hfa6e2cd_1 defaults
      dask 0.19.4 py36_0 defaults
      dask-core 0.19.4 py36_0 defaults
      datashape 0.5.4 py36_1 defaults
      decorator 4.3.0 py36_0 defaults
      defusedxml 0.5.0 py36_1 defaults
      distributed 1.23.3 py36_0 defaults
      docutils 0.14 py36h6012d8f_0 defaults
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      anaconda conda

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      asked Nov 11 at 16:46

      Jeremy Matt






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