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Julius Catlin

Julius Catlin

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Julius Catlin was an American politician who was the 29th Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut from 1858 to 1861.[1]

Julius Catlin had a sister, Flora Catlin, who lived with him after the death of their father. She was an artist and a teacher of the arts at the Hartford Female Seminary.[2]

New York D.A. Benjamin K. Phelps was his son-in-law.

Julius Catlin 1790-1888 was the Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut. He married Mary Fisher born in 1799. His son Julius Catlin (same name) 1833-1898 was a dry goods merchant who married Frances Helen Hunt and they had three children, Julia, Edith and May. Julia married Trenor Luther Park. (See Julia Catlin Park Depew Taufflieb).


  1. ^ Brief Descriptions of Connecticut State Agencies, Lieutenant Governor Archived 2007-10-26 at the Wayback Machine.

  2. ^ Harry Willard French, Art and Artists in Connecticut, p. 167

Political offices
Preceded by
Alfred A. Burnham

Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut
Succeeded by
Benjamin Douglas

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